Virus Control
Taking suitable precautions like keeping hands and surfaces clean and sanitised goes a long way to helping to control the spread of viruses, including COVID-19. In addition to keeping everything clean, wearing facemasks and encouraging social distancing will help to control the spread of the novel coronavirus. Antiviral cleaning products such as hand washes, toilet gels, steel & glass cleaners and room foggers can all make a real difference when trying to control the spread of a virus.
Hand Sanitiser and Wash
A great way to reduce the chances of a virus spreading between individuals is to maintain good hand hygiene. Regularly using hand sanitiser when out in public and washing hands whenever possible is a tried and tested way to control the spread of a virus like COVID-19. Instant hand sanitisers and gels that are at least 60% alcohol can be provided in bottles, wall mounted or in dispensing stations that can be used on the way in or out of buildings to keep hands clean. Products like our 5L of 70% alcohol hand sanitiser and our antiviral hand wash are a great place to start when looking to encourage good hand hygiene.
Surface Disinfectant
Like when choosing hand sanitisers and gels, it is important to make sure any surface disinfectants you choose are suitable for use against viruses. Products containing hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solutions containing at least 70% alcohol and alternative purpose-made antiviral disinfectants are all suitable disinfectant choices when working to control the spread of a virus. Available from Express Cleaning Supplies are surface disinfectant wipes, Super Antiviral Disinfectant in a 750ml spray or 5L bottle, and a 5L refill bottle of Ultra Ax disinfectant.
Face Masks and Coverings
Current government legislation means that for many individuals, it is mandatory to wear face coverings on public transport, in shops and restaurants and many other public locations throughout the United Kingdom. Express Cleaning Supplies offer multiple options including washable anti-microbial face coverings, disposable 3 ply surgical type face masks and adult face visors.
Room Foggers
If a room needs a heavier-duty deep clean, room foggers offer an effective way to disinfect a room quickly and easily. If you are just disinfecting one room, an antiviral room fogger in a can might just be the best option for you. Alternatively, Express Cleaning Supplies also offer room fogger machines including the MTS Biospray Fogger Machine, Prochem Micromist Fogger and Handheld 12V Battery Fogger.